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Hvis du er på udkig efter en træningsplan med en afgrænset tidslængde til f.eks. en specifik træningsperiode eller frem mod en given konkurrence, så kan du med fordel se nærmere på vores træningspakker. 

Nedenfor ses vores aktuelle træningspakker baseret på individuel træningsplanlægning og INSCYD-tests


Alle pakker vil lægge stor vægt på en meget personlig træningsproces.

12 uger base-træning pakke


12 ugers base-træningspakken er til cykelrytteren, gravelrytteren eller mountainbikeren, som ønsker at sikre sig, at grundtræningen bliver udført ordentligt og afstemt med personlige mål for den kommende sæson.

Udover individuel træningsplanlægning indeholder pakken to INSCYD tests, for at sikre, at træningen er planlagt i henhold til fysiske styrker og svagheder og det ønskede resultat af træningsprocessen. 

Rider Capacity Assesment

Rider Capacity Assesment - Outline and Pricing

  • Capacity Assessment | Power Profile

    Provides a deep understanding of a rider's physical capabilities, and how to approach training in order to reach the desired outcome of the training process.
    Gyldig i en måned
    • 5 dimensional Power Test
    • Data analysis in Training Peaks and WKO5
    • Personal interview (questionaire and meeting)
    • Training Recommendations
    • -------------------------------------------
    • Price in euro: 170 EUR
  • Capacity Assessment | INSCYD Profile

    Provides a deeper understanding of a rider's physical capabilities, and how to approach training in order to reach the desired outcome of the training process.
    Gyldig i en måned
    • INSCYD Power Performance Decoder Test
    • Data analysis in Training Peaks and WKO5
    • Personal interview (questionaire and meeting)
    • Training recommendations
    • -------------------------------------------
    • Price in euro: 250 EUR

Training Planning - Personal Training and Coaching


Highly individual training planning based on the ‘Rider Capacity Assessment’, personal training and competition goals and everyday life constraints (e.g. how much time do you have for training, what days can you train, etc.). You will get the following:


  • Individual training plan in Training Peaks  (3 or 6 months duration).

  • Monthly feedback on training (online meeting).

  • Basic guidance on nutrition and recovery.


As a very important prerequisite for a good training plan is a ‘Rider Capacity Assessment’, the training bundles below combine the capacity assessment with individual training planning.



Below you will find our training bundles.

Individual Training Planning

Training Bundles - Outline and Pricing

  • Bundle 1: 5DP Test | Training Plan 3MO

    Training bundle combining 5 dimensional power testing, physical capacity assessment and 3 months of individual training planning and coaching.
    Gyldig i 3 måneder
    • 5 dimensional Power Test
    • Data analysis in Training Peaks and WKO5
    • Individual training plan in Training Peaks
    • Monthly feedback on training (online meeting)
    • Basic guidance on nutrition and recovery
    • -------------------------------------------
    • Price in euro: 350 EUR
  • Bundle 2: INSCYD Test |Training Plan 3MO

    Training bundle combining INSCYD performance testing, physical capacity assesment and 3 months of individual training planning and coaching.
    Gyldig i 3 måneder
    • INSCYD Power Performance Decoder Test
    • Data analysis in Training Peaks and WKO5
    • Individual training plan in Training Peaks
    • Monthly feedback on training (online meeting)
    • Basic guidance on nutrition and recovery
    • -------------------------------------------
    • Price in euro: 450 EUR
  • Bundle 3: 5DP Test | Training Plan 6MO

    Training bundle combining 5 dimensional power testing, physical capacity assessment and 6 months of individual training planning and coaching.
    Gyldig i 6 måneder
    • 5 dimensional Power Test
    • Data analysis in Training Peaks and WKO5
    • Individual training plan in Training Peaks
    • Monthly feedback on training (online meeting)
    • Basic guidance on nutrition and recovery
    • -------------------------------------------
    • Price in euro: 550 EUR
  • Bundle 4: INSCYD Test |Training Plan 6MO

    Training bundle combining INSCYD performance testing, physical capacity assesment and 6 months of individual training planning and coaching.
    Gyldig i 6 måneder
    • INSCYD Power Performance Decoder Test
    • Data analysis in Training Peaks and WKO5
    • Individual training plan in Training Peaks
    • Monthly feedback on training (online meeting)
    • Basic guidance on nutrition and recovery
    • -------------------------------------------
    • Price in euro: 650 EUR
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